Lake Grace is a dynamic community situated 350km south west of Perth with a good range of medical, sporting, shopping and civic facilities. Come into the Lake Grace CRC to pick up a Welcome Package
What you really need to know....
Banking: Commonwealth Bank- Open Monday and Wednesday 9:30am - 4:00pm (Hours may vary) RABO Bank - 5 days per week. ph 9890 2444 for further information. No ATM facilities. Cash machines located inside the Roadhouse (Bendigo Bank) and Lake Grace Hotel. $200 withdrawal limit per transaction.
Medical: Doctor - Call 9865 1208 for more information. Hospital - Call 9890 2222 for more information. Pharmacy - Call 9865 2641 for more information.
Groceries: Available at the Lake Grace IGA. Open Monday to Friday 6am - 7:45am opening again from 8:30am - 5:30pm, Saturday 6am - 7:45am opening again from 8:30am - 11:30 am, Sunday open 8am - 5:00pm. Times differ on public holidays. Ph 9865 1108.
Fuel: ULP, Premium & Diesel available at Lake Grace Roadhouse. NO LPG. Ph 9865 1050. ULP, Premium & Diesel available at Great Southern Fuel Supplies. Ph 9865 1221.
Food: Lake Grace Road House: Take away food, open 7 days a week 6am - 8pm every day. Ph 9865 1050 Lynnie's Café: Open Tuesday to Friday 7am - 3pm, Saturday 8am - 11:00pm. Rosies Café: 7am - 3pm Monday to Friday. and Sunday 8am - 2pm. Phone 6801 7060 or 0456 390 205
Emergency Services: Police: Office hours are displayed on pinup board outside Police Station. If you have any enquiries ring 9890 2000. In an emergency ring 000. Fire: Ring 000. Ambulance: Ring 000.
Shire Offices: Are open Monday to Wednesday and Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Thursday 8:30 am to 4:00pm The Shire is our local Transport and Licensing Centre, manages the pool and handle dog and cat registrations.
Post Office: Open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm. It is a Commonwealth Bank Agency and can do many other bank transactions. Ph 9865 1047
The Lake Grace CRC gives out a Welcome Package to new residents that includes a range of information including civic, sporting, dining out and family support facilities that are available within the Lake Grace community. Contact the CRC for more information.