Community Groups
Committee meet bi-monthly at the Sub Centre. Have weekly training meetings and organise First Aid courses on an 'as needs' basis. First Aid kits are available for purchase or restocking. Ambulance cover can be paid at the Post Office. New memberships are welcome, for more information call Lois Dickins on 0427 651 137. |
Artists Group
Hold their meetings at the 'Lake Grace Regional Art Space' in Stubbs Street. The Artist's Group hold regular workshops and exhibitions. For more information contact Tania Spencer on 9865 1339 or Kerrie Argent on 0447 791 399. |
Craft Group
Is held from midday every Saturday. A small daily fee of $3. Bring a shared afternoon tea if able to. Anyone is able to attend, bringing what ever item they are working on at the time whether it be cross stitch, quilting, card making, scrapbooking, crochet or knitting. A perfect opportunity to swap craft ideas and techniques. For more information contact Linda Carruthers on 9865 1259 or Kerrie Salrke on 9865 1098. |
Has been active in Lake Grace since 1944. Meetings are held at 1:30pm on the second Tuesday of every month at the CWA building on the corner of Bennett & McMahon streets. The group hold annual events such as the Cultural Day, Street Stall Fundraiser and a presentation of blankets and cuddle toys to the Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation. For more information contact Secretary Suzanne Reeves on 0427 651 310. |
Development Association
A group that has been instrumental in obtaining grants for various projects within our community, such as the Town Clock. Many projects have been instigated under the umbrella of the LGDDA, the Lake Grace Community Resource Centre is one of these. For meeting information contact Secretary Paula Carruthers on 0499 616 070 |
Fire & Rescue
Meet at 7-7:30pm on the second Wednesday of every month at the Fire Station. They hold regular training events and are always looking for new volunteers. For more information call Reid Stubberfield on 0429 651 069 . |
Lake Grace DHS P&C
Meets at 7:30pm every third Monday of the month (except during school holidays) in the staff room of the school. Gold coin donation to be a voting member. For more information call Amanda Trevenen on 0488 216 601. |
Are alive and well in Lake Grace, raising money for many goodwill projects and providing labour for community tasks. A meeting (with meal) is held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Lake Grace Sportsman's Club. For more information call Chris Harvey on 0429 651 275. |
Men's Shed
Meets every Tuesday morning at their shed which is located in Bennett street. All men are welcome to come along with their own projects, or to participate in other projects, or simply to come along and have a cuppa and catch up with everyone. All that is asked of participants is that they bring $2 to cover the cost of morning tea and to sign the attendance book upon arrival. For more information contact Wally Perry on 0448 795 070. |
Op Shop
There is an Op Shop in the old Uniting Church Building at 46 Bennet Street. It is open Tuesdays 1:00pm to 4:00pm and Fridays from 9:30am to 1:00pm. Donations Welcome. |
Meet every Tuesday (except for school holidays) from 9:30am to 11:30am at what was once the kindergarten on Absolon street. There are fortnightly activities and an opportunity for new parents to meet other parents or grandparents from within the community. For more information call Claire Crosswell on 0409 484 428 |
Toy Library
Open every second Thursday from 9am to 9:45am (except in January); reopening 4th February 2016. Situated at the RSL Hall. Annual membership is scaled to number of children in family; one child $54, two children $66, three or more children $72. 6 monthly memberships available. 0-6 years are catered for. For more information call Laura Ballard on 0448 935 110 |