Bushcare Project
In 2020 the Lake Grace LCDC were successful in achieving a $34,781 community stewardship grant from NRM for a bushcare project that involved:
The stimulus for this project was the worrying statistics concerning remnant bush. Wheatbelt NRM estimates – in a 25 kilometre radius of Lake Grace townsite – only 10.7% of the native bush remains. The surviving bush is suffering from the impact of people.
Across the Shire:
- Maintenance and rejuvenation of 5 remnant bushland sites around the Lake Grace townsite.
- Development of a Tree Asset register
- Development of a tree planting guide
- Tree Walk Trail
The stimulus for this project was the worrying statistics concerning remnant bush. Wheatbelt NRM estimates – in a 25 kilometre radius of Lake Grace townsite – only 10.7% of the native bush remains. The surviving bush is suffering from the impact of people.
Across the Shire:
- 38% of the shire area has remnant vegetation cover.
- 83% (or >9500) of the remnant patches are smaller than 10ha (which are not necessarily ecologically resilient)
- The other 17% (1916) of patches are larger than 10ha and collectively represent 94% of the entire remnant area and therefore an incredible environmental asset that requires protection. Less than half of these remnants are protected in the reserves system, the remainder is likely to be on privately owned land.